Our stink bug exterminators get lots of calls when the fall weather begins its cool down. Brown marmorated stink bugs, boxelder bugs and lady bugs are all being seen by homeowners. They are attracted to lighter surfaces, usually on the sunny southwest exposure of buildings and congregate there. Stink bugs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania then will work their way in through screens that need repair, any cracks and crevices, behind exterior siding, eaves near roofs and attics, attic fans, chimney tops, and under doors lacking sweeps.
These insects have an outdoor tree or shrub species association. Boxelders are associated with boxelder trees and silver maples primarily; stink bugs are associated with various ornamental and true fruit trees; both types of pests feed upon plant juices. Lady bugs are associated with any tree or shrub infested with honeydew producing homopteran plant pests, like aphids or scales; the lady bugs feed upon the plant pests themselves and help to reduce their numbers.
All of these over-wintering pests move to a shelter to spend the winter months. They come inside and live in wall voids, attics and crawlspaces until warmer spring temperatures get them moving and ready to go outside again. They are all nuisance category pests, although, the Pennsylvania or New Jersey stink bugs as their name implies, can produce a nasty stench as well, when disturbed. There are reports of allergies and asthma related to a large buildup of exoskeletons, especially of lady bugs, in a home.
Exclusionary measures (screening and caulk) can provide control against this cohort of over-wintering pests. Don’t overlook checking the screening of the attic and crawl space air vents and attic fans. Focused exterior perimeter power spray treatments including around points of entry and insect granules applied from the last 2 weeks of August to the first two weeks of September are also valuable and will certainly help to keep them at bay as well. This treatment is also effective and well timed for crickets and cluster flies.
Call our stink bug extermination company today for an estimate to schedule your Over-wintering Pest Management Service. We will Power Spray up to 30 feet around the perimeter of the entire home and along the base of the exterior foundation along the bottom of the siding. We will also treat around the windows, doors, eaves, and other entry points. Finally, the lawn and flower beds around the perimeter of the foundation will be granulated to make an additional barrier around the house. We will retreat the outside if necessary, at no extra charge for up to ninety (90) days.
NOTE: Because the entomology experts at Penn State, Rutgers University, and The National Pest Management Association advise against inside insecticide treatment for stink bugs and the like, we do not treat indoors or offer any warranty or guarantee for the presence of these pests inside. The homeowner can vacuum pests up and remove the bags, seal and then dispose of them. Although insecticide treatments may kill some bugs, they attract carpet beetles that feed on the dead stink bugs and subsequently attack woolens, stored dry goods or other natural products in the home. Spray insecticides, directed into cracks and crevices, will not prevent the bugs from emerging from inside the walls and is not a viable or recommended treatment. For more information, see the Penn State Stink Bug Fact Sheet link.